Loyal to friends
Jonathan and David had a very strong
friendship. It says in the Bible Dictionary that Jonathan’s friendship towards
David is one of the most unselfish acts in all of the Old Testament. Jonathan could
have been jealous towards David and all that David was given, but instead it
says in 1 Sam. 18:3 that “he loved him as his own soul.” When Saul became
jealous towards David and all that David was receiving, Jonathan was loyal to
David and protected him many times. In chapter 20 of 1 Samuel they make a covenant
of peace and friendship towards each other. The love that they have for each
other is very unique. I think that it is there because they were both righteous
young men. I think that they were joined because they both were striving to do
what was right and they had to unite to protect each other against wickedness.
Saul tried many times to kill David –
1 Samuel 18:10-11; 19:9-12; 24:1-2. In contrast to this, David had two
opportunities to kill Saul which he did not take. Instead, David knew that
judgment was the Lord’s, and it wasn’t his place to take Saul’s life. David
also understood that at one point, Saul had been anointed by God to be king
over Israel. He still respected that even though Saul was failing in his duties
and in what he should have been doing. He understood that it was not his responsibility
to remove Saul from that place as King and that the Lord would do it in His own
time. The Lord’s anointed today are the prophets and apostles and other leaders
that we have in the Church. I think David is such a good example to us of how
to respect those around us who are called of God. Even though Saul was trying
to kill David, David still respected him as the king. The same goes with other
leaders in our church. Hopefully none of them are trying to actually kill us,
but we may not always agree with what they do. We might think that we know how
to do something better in the ward than the way the bishop is doing it, or the
stake president, or even an Elder’s quorum president or relief society
president. If we try to put ourselves above them and take away their job from
them, that isn’t right. We may not like everything that the prophet instructs
us to do, especially when it comes to political or social views, however we
need to remember that when it comes from the prophet it comes from the Lord and
now the responsibility is on us to accept it. We need to do our best to support the leaders
that we have and to help them uphold their callings.