Saturday, June 8, 2013

Being A Disciple of Jesus Christ

Jesus taught many principles that we must follow in order to be one of His disciples. In Luke 10 through 14 there were many, but these are the ones that really stood out to me:
·         Luke 10:42 – I need to choose the better part. I need to not be so worried about little things that are not going to make a big difference in the end. I need to develop a better eternal perspective.
·         Luke 11:1-13 – I must be willing to help those around me even when it is not convenient. I also learned from this parable that I need to trust that Heavenly Father will give me all that I need when I ask in faith with righteous intent.
·         Luke 12:33 – I need to give to others and build my treasure in heaven
·         Luke 12:35 – Be prepared and an example
·         Luke 12:40 – A disciple is ready and waiting for Christ when he comes
·         Luke 14:26-33 – I must be willing to bear my cross and follow after Christ. I must be willing to pay the sacrifices of following Him
·         Luke 13:24 – I must know the gate that I must enter in order to return to Him. I must enter that gate and stay on the straight and narrow path that will lead back to Him!

I would like to follow the principle of reaching out to others and being willing to help those who are around me more. I want to reach out to others and help them and support them, but I get so busy that I don’t even think about it throughout the week. Or if I do think about it I don’t know what to do anyways, and so I don’t do anything. I need to do better. I think that if I do this my life will be more filled with the Spirit! I will come closer to Christ and my Heavenly Father as I reach out and serve those around me. I want to bless the lives of other! So I am going to take time each week to pray about who I can help and serve. Then I will move forward with faith to serve them and do what I feel prompted to do.

In Luke 14:33, Matthew 13:44-46, Mosiah 2:34, and Omni 1:26 there is a common theme of being a disciple. In all of these scriptures it talks about giving of your whole self to God. We owe Him everything. We need to be willing to sacrifice and give Him our all! In order to truly be His disciple we must be willing to sacrifice our own desires, passions, everything we have been blessed with to the Lord and the building of His Kingdom. I hope that I can always do all that He wants me to do! I have such a desire to follow Him and to be close to Him. I want to be His hands here upon the earth. I want to reach out to those who are around me. I know that I have been blessed with so many gifts and talents that somehow the Lord wants me to use them to build up His kingdom. I just need to find out how I can more fully give of myself to Him. All my desires and doings must be for Him and what He would have me do!

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